Create The Life You Want: Shaping The New Earth Through The Thoughts We Think
Creating the Life We Want: Teachings on the Law of Attraction and How to Shape the New Earth through the Thoughts we Think
We have the power to create our own realities. We have the power during this time to ponder and birth new ideas for ourselves and the New Earth. What will we do with this power?
We are here on the leading edge of thought, with this power to create the life we desire. On some level our souls have been asking for a change, that led us to where we are now. How will we return to “normal” after this quarantine time passes? Life as we know it will never be the same, so we must do our part in shaping the new “normal” that we want to manifest.
It is like we are the caterpillar gone into its cocoon, receiving downloads for how to morph into the butterfly we want to be when the time comes to re-emerge.
Law of Attraction
Teachers Jerry and Esther Hicks talk about the Law of Attraction in which the law states: That which is like unto itself is drawn. These teachings point out the power of our thoughts and the way our thoughts shape our reality. The law suggests that we can focus our thoughts towards that which we want, and that it will manifest that into our physical life. In the same way, if we focus our thoughts on that which is unwanted, we can manifest unwanted desires as well.
It is important to be aware of the thoughts we think, as they are constantly shaping our reality.
We are powerful creators. With focused thought and intention, we can create anything that we want. It is easy right now to get stuck in fearful and anxious thoughts but we must do whatever we can to shift our thoughts towards good feelings and emotions. When our thoughts feel good, we are in alignment with who we truly are – divine source energy – then we begin to draw wonderful things into our experience.
It is common to get stuck in negative thought patterns. We are constantly comparing ourselves to others through social media. The news instills fear into our minds. We focus on the lack and that which we don’t have. And amid, an economic recession and global pandemic, it’s natural for us to wonder if our futures are safe.
I am here to tell you that we get to choose a new way of being. We do this by consciously shaping the thoughts we think. By being grateful for what we do have. The book Ask and it is Given, discusses this power of our thoughts, “Every thought vibrates, every thought radiates a signal, and every thought attracts a matching signal back” - Esther and Jerry Hicks. This is why it is so important to check in with ourselves and notice the thoughts, frequency, and vibration that we are emitting. We can do this through meditation, yoga, mindful walking, writing, etc.
The key is to quiet the mind, to become aware of unconscious thoughts that do not serve us, and to consciously choose thoughts that bring us into alignment with our desires.
When we do activities that make us feel good, our thoughts feel better and we shift into a more positive vibration.
What makes you feel good?
Perhaps its drawing, video games, dancing, taking deep breaths, listening to music, or even sex (conscious sex). Whatever it is – DO IT. With proper social distancing of course. At the root of creating a life we want is our emotions and the way we feel. When we do what makes us happy, we attract more of what makes us happy into our experience. Wherever we are right now in relation to where we want to be, we can always choose happiness and do our best to enjoy the journey along the way.
Another way we can shift our thought patterns is through: Affirmations.
Affirmations are an effective way to transform negative thought patterns into positive ones. Try writing a few down and saying them every morning. Here are some examples you can use:
“I am in alignment with joy, love, abundance”
“I am healthy, my immune system is strong”
“I radiate love and light”
“I love my body”
“I choose good feeling thoughts and emotions”
“The universe supports me and my desires”
I always try to start my day with mantras and affirmations. I notice when I do this I am instantly put in a good mood; my vibration is positive, and I trust in the timing of how my life unfolds each day.
We have this ability now, as we begin to ponder how we will return to “normal” after life in quarantine, to shape the new “normal” that we want to create. Perhaps that means, ability to work from home, attract money and opportunities for abundance, be in love, or time for creative activities. On a collective level, we can hold thoughts of peace, compassion, kindness, health, wellness, and community. Whatever it is – we hold the power to create it.
Let us shape this New Earth together.
With love,
Brooke Shakti